RSX High Force Electric Linear Actuators

Replace hydraulics to eliminate messy leaks and increase system performance

The RSX family of extreme high force electric linear actuators are an excellent alternative to hydraulic cylinders. They’re more efficient, more precise and rugged enough to perform in demanding conditions. Their long life and precision is achieved through the use of Tolomatic’s high precision planetary roller screws.

  • Forces up to 66,000 lbf (294 kN)
  • Stroke lengths up to 59 inches (1,500 mm)
  • Available in Ball and Planetary roller screw driven designs to fit the needs of your application.
  • Type III hard coat anodized aluminum housing to withstand demanding environments
  • IP67 option to protect against dust and water ingress

NOTE: With recent name change, RSX096 has been renamed RSX15 and RSX128 has been renamed RSX25 

RSX Features

RSX Press Features

RSX White Paint Features

RSX Maximum Stroke

Size RSX10  RSX15 RSX20  RSX25  RSX33*  RSX23P* RSX33P*
US Conv. 59 in 59 in 50 in 48 in 48 in 28 in 39 in
Metric 1,500 mm 1,500 mm 1,270 mm 1,220 mm 1,220 mm 710 mm 990 mm

*Extended linear actuator stroke lengths may require longer lead times. If you’re unsure about how this would apply to your high force application, contact the Tolomatic engineering team.

RSX Maximum Force

Size RSX10  RSX15 RSX20  RSX25  RSX33*  RSX23P* RSX33P*
US Conv. 20,000 lbf 30,000 lbf 40,000 lbf 50,000 lbf 66,000 lbf 46,000 lbf** 66,000 lbf**
Metric 89 kN 133 kN 178 kN 222 kN 294 kN 205 kN** 294 kN**

**Max. force only in extend

RSX Maximum Speed

Size RSX10  RSX15 RSX20  RSX25  RSX33*  RSX23P* RSX33P*
US Conv. 30 in/sec 30 in/sec 30 in/sec 30 in/sec 20 in/sec 30 in/sec 20 in/sec
Metric 760 mm/sec 760 mm/sec 760 mm/sec 760 mm/sec 510 mm/sec 760 mm/sec 510 mm/sec

RSX Product Specification

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White Papers

Kiln In-feed Control

Challenge: A lumber processing equipment company needed to replace existing hydraulic cylinders used to control the feed rate of lumber carts as they entered a drying kiln.
Product Family: RSX
Product Used: RSX15

Casting Operation

Challenge: A manufacturer of high-quality castings needed an electric actuator to replace existing high maintenance hydraulic actuators.
Product Family: RSX Extreme Force Rod-Style Electric Actuator
Product Used: RSX15

Tire Inspection Press

Challenge: Replace hydraulics in a tire inspection press
Product Family: Electric
Product Used: RSX15 Extreme Force Rod-Style Electric Actuator

Air Bag Production

Challenge: Assembling cartridges for air bag deployment.
Product Family: Electric
Product Used: RSX Extreme Force Electric Linear Actuator

Wheel Bearing Press

Challenge: Wheel bearing press.
Product Family: Electric
Product Used: RSX Extreme Force Electric Linear Actuator

Bullet Press/Former

Challenge: A bullet manufacturer wanted to replace an existing hydraulic system on their bullet press/former with electric actuators.
Product Family: Electric Rod-Style Actuator
Products Used: RSX

Construction Material Test Mechanism

A distributor was approached by a customer requesting a powerful and versatile actuator that could be configured in multiple ways to fit their existing equipment.

Product Used: RSX Extreme Force Rod-Style Electric Actuator
Product Type:Modified Standard

Bullet Manufacturing

Challenge: A bullet manufacturer wanted to replace a bullet press machine originally built in the 1960s.
Products: Electric Rod-Style Actuator

Please contact Tolomatic for Ordering Information

Ordering - RSX