Cleaning Equipment
Product Family: Pneumatic
Product Used: MXP-S Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder
Product Type: Standard
Application Description:
Diesel fuel filter cleaning
A machine used in a variety of facilities for cleaning diesel fuel filters was using a rod style actuator that was internally designed along with a linear transducer to adjust the actuator’s movement based on the sizes of filters that needed cleaning. An air nozzel was attached that would blow air through the filters so particulates could be siphoned off the bottom of the machine. An additional enclosure on the machine was required to accommodate the rod actuator movement; this took up more space and was not esthetically appealing. The machine builder was looking for a different solution that would utilize their existing machine enclosure but eliminate the additional one for the actuator.
Tolomatic Solution:
Since air was already in place, an MXP-S long stroke pneumatic air cylinder with a solid bearing was used so the air nozzel could be mounted directly to the actuator carrier. The rodless design was able to fit inside the machine enclosure, out of sight, eliminating the entire space that originally housed the rod cylinder. Switches were used to accommodate the various stroke lengths required for the different sizes of filters being cleaned.
Customer Benefit:
- Saved machine space
- Cost-effective change over with use of existing enclosure
- Improved performance
- Cleaner looking, more esthetically appealing machine