2 Level Conveyor
Product Family: Pneumatic
Product Used: BC2 Rodless Band Cylinders
Product Type: Standard
Application Description:
Accurately position boxes in filling station then, after filling is completed, move boxes onto conveyor leading to packaging station.
- Step 1 – Position empty box in filling station;
- Step 2 – Move filled box out of filling station onto conveyor leading to packaging station.
- Goal 1 – Keep filling station as compact as possible to conserve factory space;
- Goal 2 – Minimize time at filling station to maximize throughput.
Tolomatic Solution:
Using BC2 rodless band cylinders for both Step 1 & 2 reduced the footprint of the filling station while the BC2 eliminated the need for external guided rails and bearings. Filling station throughput optimized with the use of reed switch promptly signalling move completion to the PLC.
Customer Benefit:
- Maximized throughput at filling station
- Reduced station footprint
- Fewer parts and less maintenance