GSWA33 ServoWeld® Servo Actuators
ServoWeld® GSWA33 Series spot welding actuators provide lighter weight and an optional enclosed anti-rotate assembly.
The ServoWeld GSWA33 series actuator provides peak thrusts of 2,100 lbf (9.3 kN) at a lighter weight enabling faster robot moves and faster weld schedules. The GSWA33 can be used on a variety of resistance spot welding gun applications (pinch guns, X guns, C guns) including weld guns which require the actuator to have anti-rotate of the thrust rod. Utilizing a standard roller screw, the GSWA33 provides the longest life (most welds) of any spot welding actuator on the market in its size, weight and force class. GSWA33 spot welding servo actuators are highly efficient, and its broad performance range allows it to easily handle multiple weld schedules and accommodate different materials/material thicknesses in resistance spot welding.
GSWA33 resistance spot welding actuators offer:
- 20+ million cycles with minimal maintenance
- Standard roller screw with highest dynamic load rating for more welds over competing roller screw, ball screws or pneumatic actuators
- ±3% force repeatability over the life of the actuator
- Light-weight actuator design
- Forces to 2,100 lbf (9.3 kN)
- Optional water cooling
- Optional internal guide for anti-rotating of the thrust rod
- Integration for 7th axis operation with most global robot manufacturers
Features & Ordering
Download the GSWA33 Brochure for full details on features
ServoWeld® GSWA33 Features

ServoWeld® GSWA33 Guided Features

Size | 33 |
Standard | 18 in. |
Metric | 457 mm |
Size | 33 |
Standard | 2,100 lbf |
Metric | 9.3 kN |
Size | 33 |
Standard | 24 in/sec |
Metric | 610 mm/sec |
ServoWeld® GSWA Actuator Specifications

ServoWeld® GSWA 33 Dimensions

ServoWeld® GSWA 33 Guided Dimensions

Manuals & Part Sheets
Additional Resources
Information Center:
Application Checklists
Catalogs & Brochures
- Corporate Overview-Linear Motion Solutions Brochure (English)
- SOLUCIONES DE CONTROL DE MOVIMIENTO (Spanish, Corporate Overview-Motion Control Solutions Brochure)
- Unternehmensübersicht (German, Corporate Overview brochure)
- Brochure sur l'entreprise Tolomatic (French, Corporate Overview-Linear Motion Solutions Brochure)
- ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators (English)
- ServoWeld® Actuadores Modelos GSWA (Spanish, ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators)
- ServoWeld® GSWA Integrierte Servomotorantriebe (GSWA Brochure, German)
- ServoWeld® 电动缸 GSWA 型号 (Chinese, ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators)
- Sistema Do ServoWeld® Acionador De Impulso Elevado De Motor Integral GSWA (Portuguese, ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators)
- ServoWeld® システム GSWA 一体化モーター 高推進力アクチュエータ (Japanese, ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators)
- Система ServoWeld® Электромеханический привод с встроенным двигателем GSWA с высоким тяговым усилием (Russian, ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators)
- ServoWeld® 장치 GSWA 통합 모터 고추력 작동기(Korean, ServoWeld® GSWA Actuators)
- ServoWeld® Refurbishment and Remanufacturing Services
- Servicios de reacondicionamiento y refabricación de ServoWeld® (ServoWeld® Refurbishment and Remanufacturing Services-Spanish)
- ServoWeld® Aufarbeitungs- und Wiederaufarbeitungsservices (ServoWeld Refurbishment and Remanufacturing Services brochure, German)
- ServoWeld® 的翻新和再制造服务 (ServoWeld® Refurbishment and Remanufacturing Services-Chinese)
- ServoWeld with Integrated Force Sensor, brochure
- ServoWeld mit integriertem Kraftsensor (DE- ServoWeld w/Force Sensor brochure)
- 带内置式力传感器的 ServoWeld (ServoWeld Force Sensor brochure ^CN)
- Tolomatic Welding Solutions (English)
- Tolomatic SOLUCIONES DE SOLDADURA (Spanish, Tolomatic Welding Solutions)
- Tolomatic Lösungen für Widerstandsschweißen (Tolomatic Welding Solutions; German)
- Tolomatic 焊接解决方案 (Chinese, Welding Solutions)
- All Electric Projection Welding Brochure
- Automotive Applications Brochure
- 汽车行业应用手册 Brochure (Chinese: Automotive Applications Brochure)
- Restore - ServoWeld Repair Program brochure
- Restore-ServoWeld Repair Program brochure^CN
Terms & Conditions
White Papers
- Top Ten Tips: How to specify electric rod-style actuators for optimal performance, reliability and efficiency
- Servo spot welding offers superior performance and lower lifetime costs for auto manufacturing
- Electric actuators vs. pneumatic cylinders: A comparison based on total cost of ownership
- Select the right linear actuator: Making sense of manufacturer specifications
- Minimizing electrical noise in actuator drive systems for maximum reliability and performance
- Introduction to accuracy and repeatability in linear motion systems
- 伺服点焊为汽车制造业提供卓越的性能和更低廉的寿命周期成本 (Chinese, Whitepaper: Servo spot welding offers superior performance and lower lifetime costs for auto manufacturing)
- A technical comparison: Performance of pneumatic cylinders and electric rod actuators
- Electric actuator technology comparison: Integrated and traditional designs
- How roller-screw and ball-screw actuators compare in high-force applications:
- Actuadores eléctricos con vástago frente a cilindros hidráulicos: una comparación de los pros y los contras de cada tecnología (Spanish - White paper - Electric vs Hydraulic Actuators)
- Servomotorisches Punktschweißen bietet für die Autoproduktion herausragende Leistungswerte und senkt die Wartungskosten (GERMAN, Whitepaper, Servo spot welding offers superior performance and lower))